Thursday, March 8, 2012

Web Conference Reflection

Yesterday for the first time, I had the opportunity to participate in a Web conference via Adobe Connect.  Prior to this experience, I have attended several Webinars for professional development. I use Skype and iChat on a daily base for personal communication with my family overseas. With 6 through 8 grade Fossum students, I have witnessed, a live webcast from the International Space Station in space, which was followed by a Q&A session with the astronaut Michael E. Fossum.  I have to say, I am amazed how far technology has come!
For the Web conference, I anticipated difficulties, like delays in connectivity or too much background noise.  Difficulties I often encounter when using the Internet for communication, after all most of us regular people don’t have T3 Internet connections. However, except for some minor beginning problems, which were quickly solved, the whole conference went very smoothly.
The conference was a great experience. We started of with an introduction by a great group of people with diverse backgrounds. Followed by an overview of course requirements, assignments, the degree plan with an emphasis on the internship and internship requirements, and ended the conference with a Q&A. 
I can see how this format could be of benefit for school or university campuses. Teachers, professors, and administrators could collaborate with each other, either on the same campus, within the school district, and nation wide. By the use of this format, schools will save time and money. I believe that students will be the prime beneficiaries from this format, like in project-based assignments, meeting with other schools and students around the world etc. In my opinion, the benefits of this format will be limited only by the imagination of people involved.

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